
First APOD Board Meeting

On July 8th 2016, we had an historic meeting; the first Board meeting of the Academy of Peer-supported Open Dialogue. In attendance were board members Val Jackson, Russell Razzaque, Mark Hopfenbeck, Kirsty Lee, Suzanne Chapman, Lisa Monaghan, Yasmin Ishaq and James Osbourne. Jane Heatherington sent her apologies, but was very much there in spirit too! A range of important issues were discussed, including setting up the first professional registration for POD Practitioners, as well as organising regular professional development days and setting up a standards board. There is a lot to do with our fledgling body, but our central aim is to promote the dissemination of POD across the NHS. This involves assuring quality as well as working with partner Trusts to deliver it on the ground. New members will be approached soon to sign up, and we are already organising our first professional development days.